An Elder Berry Picture Story

(Download this document first to get your kit started)
Elder Berry Kit Handout

It’s been hopefully at least 6 weeks of shaking and storing your elixir (alcohol) or oxymel (vinegar) in the cool dark and now it’s time to press and filter so you can begin a daily toasting ritual (SALUTE!!!) to your health and well-being.  The more you’re able to squeeze out of the herbal mixture the better – in years-past  we offered a complimentary pressing at The Cottage using an old hand turned wine-press – this yielded approximately 18 – 20 ounces of alcohol or vinegar infusion to each pressing, before adding your local raw honey. I’m not sure what the average press will be using hand strength.  Let me know how this goes!

The basic process is picture-splained below (click any picture to enlarge for easier reading). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Elderberry Elixir
Protective Gloves
Clean Jar
  • Be sure to mix the local raw honey/maple syrup in well and taste as you go – I’m not a super sweet fan but trust me, this needs honey/maple syrup for the palate as well as the extra healing properties that the bees or trees offer (I’m pretty sure they’re both smarter than we are by a long ways).
  • Be sure to label and date your container (if you don’t have labels, use a piece of masking tape, it’s much easier to get off and clean off of the jar/bottle when you’re done.
  • Discard your spent herbs in your compost or waste. The muslin bag (or cheesecloth) is reusable –  soak in soapy cold water and rinse several times before machine washing with other items – unless you want a blue tinge to those other items 😉
  • Stay Safe. Stay Well. Drink Tea and Elderberry. Love Your Planet and Your Neighbor.

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